Before our new products are presented to our suppliers and the market, we checked the quality of this product in our region.
We would like to share with you the samples sent by us, from Furniture manufacturers. Their words and thoughts about MEGALAM.
Meeting with our dear producers who checked megalma
Cutting with cutter, in length does not fall at all, quite freely cut and the cutter is less likely to be broken.
Do not broken the top and also bottom during cutting. This is especially appreciative and appreciative for producers of small workshops.
During freshen process, light it off. In the corners there is no fluffy.
Not crack, durability is good too.
Minifix’s bolts are well suited.
No problem was solved when doing angle tape PVS, it would normally glued.
Do not fall apart when using Handle of clothset
The strong surface of the MDF and the MDF while connected it does not break.
The quality of the material is reliable.
Fixing the back cover of the clothset during stapler was very good.
There is no problem in the stapler hole.
When we push bolts on the surface the product will not divide or break into parts.
Not problem in during Raw MEG MDF ‘s CNC processing.
No problem has been created during the installation of plastic feet. Do not rush while screwing, 4 * 18 had a good durability when using a screw.
From the farms where the tests were conducted, the main impression is the lightness of the goods, although there is no problem at the time of cutting, screwing, and the most important is the lightness of the goods, which make you so happy.